penis, vagina, or sex; depends on usage.
I touched my wiggle. I wanna wiggle.
by Jen August 18, 2003
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the spoken word while using a hand gesture

the wiggling of the fingers onto another persons wiggling fingers.

usually used as a greeting or a goodbye.
"hey man I'll catch you later...wiggles!"
by Ben Croucher January 26, 2006
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it can mean anything

it's been used to refer to sex. but you can really use it to mean anything.
yeah I saw her last night/did you get your wiggle on?
by word January 16, 2000
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The wiggles are an Australian children's entertainment group who were first a rock band The Cockroaches. It has been said many times that they are gay. Jeff maybe, but in general, no they are not as far as I know.

For those of you who insist on this you are probably just jealous of their success and pissed you did not think of it first. Don't take the fears you have because of your own (American) children's entertainers like Pee-Wee Herman, and Mr Rogers, whom have been proved to be pedophiles and slander an Australian Icon.

I saw a survey once that said 50% of married American men have had homosexual relations. If you add the number of outed homos in the US to that, it means 1 in every 2.5 men are gay.

All I can say is grow up and get out of the closet you fags.
American wiggle brasher <-- GAY
"The Wiggles" <-- Entertainers
by wiggle fan January 26, 2009
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To shake a body part. Or those annoying crackheads on that kids show, The Wiggles
Wiggle your ass.
Those Wiggles are smoking some serious dope and trying to teach our children something. Scary.
by Melissa June 18, 2003
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The action of wiggling about. See also wiggle.
Jen became annoyed when Chris kept wiggling behind her.
by Xhanatos Totentanz November 6, 2006
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