the pastel-coloured spawns of Satan
run for your souls! the tellytubbies are descending upon us over the hills!
by the Crumpet July 9, 2004
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A pink diarrhea like substance that is ate by the teletubbies along with tubby toast.
Po make me some tubby custard before I pimp slap your hoe ass.
by TheMinor_69er May 21, 2009
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Result of old aged pensioners on acid.

Four round furry creatures, that dance and babble in Telly Tubby land. They are:

Dipsy = green with a spike on head.
Laa-Laa = yellow with curly pig tail on head.
Po = Red with a small halo.
Tinky-Winky = purple with a purple coat hanger on head.

In Telly Tubby Land, the Sun is baby faced, always shining and gurgling. Whie trabbits much verdant grass and never shite. Or maybe Noo-Noo the giant vacuum cleaner eats rabbit shite.

Every half hour every day the windmill turns and flashes coloured sparks, and one of the TV stomach turns on and a little show usu. involving little children doing activity, this happens twice, then they prance about a bit, and they jump back into the dome.
Old Bertie ate his son's tabs and saw some telly tubbies.
by Kerb November 28, 2004
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Referring to a fat person being homosexual.
"Yo, is Steven gay?" - Jake
"No, he's Tubby Gay" - Terence
by thatonemonkey April 6, 2020
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1: A food which is eaten by Teletubies

2: A way of calling someone fat, overweight or obese

3: A way of describing Kalvin Phillips
Teletubies: Tubby Custard, Tubby Custard , Tubby Custard

Person 1: Look at that fat cunt over there he’s a real tubby custard

Person 2: Fuck me Kalvin Phillips is shit

Person 3: I know he’s a tubby custard
by Ispeakengland July 25, 2023
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the white squirty stuff that the teletubbies make at teh end of their show.
po will make the tubby tustard while the noo noo cleans up the mess
by christie yellow February 26, 2008
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