The person who faster in the year group you have to rescpet them and do whatever they say
David the new thrones

The whole year group have to show them rescpet
by T.Colredzs88c June 14, 2016
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A graphic novel, collection of short-stories, shiterature, or DS that one takes into the deuce cage for the purpose of providing entertainment while in a seated position.
Pom: Hey man, I have to damage your toilet. Can I borrow your Game Boy?

D-Bag: Naw. But any of my Shel Silverstein books make great throne pals.
by Thudder October 4, 2007
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A situation in which a person has bad diarrhea and must move from one toilet to another all day. Effectively staking his claim on every "throne" in sight.
Oh man..... I should not have eaten that sushi enchilada taco with extra beans last night. I feel like I'm going to play Game of Thrones all day today.
by spissatus December 2, 2013
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It's a porno/action/fantasy HBO show full of boobs and fighting for a pointy chair. You'll hate Joffrey but luckily he...and you'll love Tyrion, the short guy. It's soon to become better than Breaking Bad, but I highly doubt that. Nah I'm just kidding, Game of Thrones is going to go past BrBa, cause' boobs.
Pervert: Game of thrones is my new favorite porn series.

Fan: Yo, not cool. Game of Thrones is amazing, not a porno.

Pervert: Ooh okay, it's still good porn
by CutieW.O.W May 11, 2014
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An HBO television show that is based on George RR Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series. It's fantasy grounded in reality, with politics and dragons and is incredibly rich with detail and personality. The last two ASOIAF books are yet to be released, The Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring.
"Is it true that Game of Thrones is based on a book?"
"Yes! It's called A Song of Ice and Fire and it is by George RR Martin."

"Dude, did you catch The Rains of Castamere on TV?!"
"I did . . . oh boy, did I ever."
by Roseatter August 18, 2013
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I was on the thinking throne and watching vines.
by TheN November 6, 2014
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one who is excessively servile in a self-degrading way to anyone perceived to have power
He is so ambitious, he's become the boss's throne sniffer.
by onefungi July 18, 2010
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