v. Thread crapping occurs when a person comes into a thread and posts something contrary to the spirit/intent of the thread, often derailing the discussion or turning it into an argument.
Coming into a thread titled "I love my new Apple Macintosh!", and posting "PCs are better and cheaper" is thread crapping.
by keyshaw March 23, 2010
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One who resurrects extremely old threads in discussion forums.
Dood. You just replied to a thread that's 2 years old. WTF is wrong with you!? Quit being a Thread Necromancer.
by ThaBigCheesy November 8, 2010
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A "QQ thread" in the discussion forums of MMORPGs like World of Warcraft, is where a user starts a discussion thread which is basically a complaint, whine or whinge about something in the game they are not happy with.

QQ itself is meant to symbolise someone crying; the Qs looking like eyes with tears streaming from them.
"This isn't a QQ thread, but please nerf class X as they beat me in combat and thus must be overpowered and imbalanced!"
by Maev Shadowsong November 23, 2006
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When, in a forum, an unwitty, incoherent, or unintelligent thread is posted by a forum member, another comes along posting a similar thread to point out the fallacy of the thread it partodies.
Remember that thread about Bevets on Fark.com, where they made a Bevets' Law? Yeah, this one at Urban Dictionary about a parody thread is a lot funnier.
by Fine Young Man October 29, 2005
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While driving,walking,or running you weave in and out of obstacles (other cars, people, etc.) in your path.
Last night while driving I was threading the needle an made it home in half the time!
by Eliot The Great July 15, 2014
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1. Someone who makes the last post in a forum thread.

2. A mod who is known for killing threads when they get off topic.

3. A person in a forum that is notorious for getting threads locked by the mods.
1. Nobody knows how to respond to bashturn's brilliant stupidity, so he is often a thread killer.

2. JPKeates usually explains why a thread must end with a great last post. He is a very accomplished thread killer.

3. CJ and Dug are thread killers, six threads got locked today because of their off topic ramblings.
by oli fant June 22, 2008
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A post that no one gives a fuck about any moure. If you post in an ancient thread, you are considered a "Thread Excavatour" and may as well just hang yourself.
I locked it because it's an ancient thread. Fucking deal with it.
by Nova><Master October 25, 2006
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