n. a loose pronunciation of the term 'your woman', mainly an Irish phrase.
Is used to describe a female in a loose description,as in 'that woman over there',
yer wan came in and put that Barry Manilow CD up her shirt and walked out
by alkalinesam February 26, 2005
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If someone were to say 'You're gay' come back with 'So's yer maw'
by Ross August 21, 2003
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can be a fanny or an arsehole or to have sex
up yer hole ya dick,
up yer hole wi a ten foot pole
I got ma Hole last nite
by beakyman November 12, 2005
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Widespread use of this phrase was brought back to life after the movie Napolean Dynamite hit theatres. This is generally used as an insult, though it can be thrown into a conversation at any point in time.
Andrews - "Yer mom's so fat... that when we tried to graph her on our calculator... there was a stack overflow error."
by sdb2404 March 2, 2005
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Insult, a northern England or Derby version of your mum or yo momma
As in "What were you doing last night?", "YER MAM!"
by Tom Chambers October 14, 2004
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Teenage boy, who gets his opinions from FIFA and MOTM/D. Lacazette and Griezmann are their favorite players; Also a fan of dabbing and Snapchat.
Yer son thinks Kylian Mbappé will make the 2018 World Cup squad for France.
by AzontoMan June 21, 2017
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Said after haha when you are insulting an ugly person. What some believe to be the highest form of witt, hummhummhumm, also others would disagree. Started from the ugliness of 'Eidy. Yer being the Dundonian for your, and face meaning the front of your head.
RRRRRRRRRRRR'Eidy yer ugly, HAAHAAAAA yer face!!!!!!
by Thommo January 10, 2005
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