Rough and rowdy is another name for the drink royal reserve. Said because royal reserve is known to make its drinkers rough and rowdy.
"hey want to get rough and rowdy tonight?"
by shortness February 20, 2007
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When a person or persons is fit enough to fuck but you wouldn’t take them home to meet the family
Oh man she’s rowdy fit!
by RowdyBrownlie April 12, 2019
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Best energy drink on the market. Great taste and every can smells like Samantha Busch
Whenever I drink a rowdy energy, it feels like Samantha’s sitting on my face in the motor home while there’s some toilet bowl racing on in the background
by J rock from the dirty E August 6, 2022
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When you are fucking your lady and you take her vibratior and put it in her ass and turn it up to level 10. The sensation of the vibrating against the membrane between her ass and her vagina will shake like the neighbor next door having a rowdy party.
Vagina vibratory ass rowdy neighbor
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groups of bros that like to congregate for excessive drinking, talking shit, and general antics.
'Did those rowdy bros even sleep last night?'

'Fuck no, they are some rowdy bros!'
by Johnny Testerino April 26, 2013
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A rowdy cloudy is simply where you punch you're girl in the eye and then slowly cum in the bruised area. The result is a cloud of cum against a "night" sky.
Tonight's forecast for your mom calls for a rowdy cloudy!
by Corey1010 August 20, 2006
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A beej of a particularly raucous nature, in which the blower enjoys the act as much as the blowee.
Sara almost fell off my roof giving Ben a rowdy beej.
by Kathy W August 5, 2006
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