1. Verb

To accidentally block someone's path when walking in a group, by unintentionally drifting in front of them.

2. Noun

A person who commits the act of rorying
Man, rory is such a rory!
I know the other day he kept on rorying me!
by Anus McGee August 19, 2013
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She is the most beautiful girl you will ever meet! She is so supportive and funny. Sometimes Rory's need to know that you care for them so they don't think they don't matter. Rory's make amazing babies and are amazing models. They love to do fun things and can be easily bored.
Matt: Why aren't you helping me?!!!
Daron: Idk go find Rory!
by gigi9458 August 5, 2011
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World smallest dick comments above are not correct.
Abster fanildinio likes Rory
by Rhenzo June 22, 2020
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In the sense 'to have a Rory', is to have an unwanted erection, at an inappropriate time, such as during an exam or whilst conducting a baptism.
When asked to stand in front of others, conducting a presentation, 'Fuck, I can't do that guys, I've got a Rory'.
by Aron White September 2, 2007
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RORY: Anglicized (Irish, in this case) form of RUAIDHRÍ (or RUAIRÍ/RUARAIDH/ RUARIDH, which are originally from the Norwegian). The name originates with 'Ruaidri mac Tairrdelbach Ua Conchobair' or 'Rory O'Connor, a king of Connacht' and the last High King of Ireland who died in 1198. It is a common name in Irish and Scottish cultures.

Ruaidhri means "red king" from the Irish ruadh, "red" combined with rí, "king."


RORAL: (Ro"ral) a. L. ros, roris, dew. Of or pertaining to dew; consisting of dew; dewy. Rare
RORATION: (Ro*ra"tion) n. L. roratio, fr. rorare to drop dew, fr. ros dew. A falling of dew. Rare
RORIC: (Ro"ric) a. L. ros, roris, dew. Of or pertaining to dew; resembling dew; dewy.
RORIC FIGURES (Physics), Figures which appear upon a polished surface, as glass, when objects which have been near to, or in contact with, the surface are removed and the surface breathed upon — also called Moser's images.
RORID: (Ro"rid) a. L. roridus, fr. ros, roris, dew. Dewy; bedewed. Rare
RORIFEROUS: (Ro*rif"er*ous) a. L. rorifer; ros, roris, dew + ferre to bear: cf. F. rorifère. Generating or producing dew. Rare
RORIFLUENT: (Ro*rif"lu*ent) a. L. ros, roris, dew + fluens, p. pr. of fluere to flow. Flowing with dew. Rare - from L. roris, dew + fluere, to flow
RORIS (Ro"ris): Of water, dewdrops, moisture or teardrops.
RORULENT: (Ro"ru*lent) a. L. rorulentus, from ros, roris, dew. 1. Full of dew or abounding in dew. Rare; 2. (Zoöl.) Having the surface appearing as if dusty, or covered with fine dew.
RORY: (Ro"ry) a. L. ros, roris, dew. Dewy. Rare. “…and shook his wings with rory May-dew wet.”

Rory Calhoun (actor)
Rory O'Conner (a king of Ireland)
by RC135 March 21, 2009
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Rory is someone who will make promises to his friends even though he has no intention of keeping said promises. His friends end up learning this the hard way and eventually they lose all the respect they once had for him.

Rory only cares about himself and thus, behaves accordingly. Given the opportunity to better his own situation, Rory will sell even his closest friends up the river. Then, adding insult to injury, Rory will act as if those same friends were the ones who wronged him.

As a friend, Rory is the biggest let-down a guy could ever know.

"Hey Rory, you know that supportive friendship you kindly offered me? Well, I'm really needing it now."


"Yeah, I was only just saying that. I didn't really mean it though. I got better things to do with my time. You're on your own."
by Caylio March 18, 2010
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The worst insult known to all species universally wide.
"Dude, that guy is such a Rory!"
by Moliqole March 30, 2021
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