a quote that a punk either says a lot or goes by.
a couple punk quotes are...

"were not trying to be different, we just are"
-lauren tazelaar

"A guy walks up to me and asks 'What's Punk?'. So I kick over a garbage can and say 'That's punk!'. So he kicks over a garbage can and says 'That's Punk?', and I say 'No that's trendy"
-Billie Joe Armstrong

“Punk rock seems like my childhood, the glorious, very exciting naivete of rock n' roll. Stenguns and guitars seem very idealistic when you're twenty.”
-ladypain Tony James

by punk quote<3 August 1, 2006
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when whilst you are saying something, you hold your the pointer and middle fingers of yoru hands up in the air curled as if to make quotation marks as if to make the thing you said sound peculiar or strange. also used as a taunt.
Martha: wow, its been six years since i have seen you, whatever happened to your (air quotes) band?

Fred: hey! we turned out some really good stuff on our first CD!

Martha: fred, your (air quotes) band was only six guys and some italian stew pots.
by Zack June 4, 2004
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A horribly incorrect way of citing a particular phrase or adding emphasis to a questionable term. Typically it preceeds the phrase and is accompanied by a stupid little fang finger gesture. If you currently use the term "quote unquote" (and especially if you do the finger thing) please stop it now. Don't feel bad. It's an understandable mistake because the idiots on Fox News say it all the time as does your boss at work, most probably. But read on...

First of all, it should be QUOTE and ENDQUOTE. These are the official names for the double apostrophe symbols (") on your keyboard.

Secondly, the proper syntax is to say QUOTE, followed by the phrase, closed by ENDQUOTE.

What do you think of Bush's quote War on Terror endquote?

What do you think of Bush's "War on Terror?"

What do you think of Bush's quote unquote War on Terror?

What do you think of Bush's ""War on Terror?

Get it? Good. But try to avoid saying it altogether. Using the phrase "so-called" is much more acceptable. Example:
What do you think of Bush's so-called War on Terror?
(Incorrect but common usage)
BOSS: Ok people, let's get proactive. This is a win-win situation. So give it 110% and quote unquote kick some ass!
EMPLOYEE: Man, you're such a putz.
by Brendie December 9, 2006
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Pympy Quotes is a bad rip of of the website Witty profiles. They ripped off the owner, Steve, completely. They copied the whole format and it's the same idea. They copied the whole site. It has the same formats and quotes as witty does too. It's a sucky version of witty profiles and whoever made the website should be ashamed.
Girl 1: Did you see that website pympy quotes?
Girl 2: Yeah! They totally copied witty
Girl 1: I know, right. it sucks.
by CheysWorlddd September 7, 2011
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When someone overhears you say something so horrible you have to shift the blame.
"Fuck the boss i don't need this job"

boss walks in

Quote Alex
by hello fr July 22, 2019
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hug is not a hug if ur not being hugged tight asf
hug quote “hug is not a hug if ur not being hugged tight asf” quote by sam😫
by samm2smooth March 8, 2022
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Wrapping a comment in a text or e-mail in bracketed tag expressions describing the slant of the statement ala. HTML.
<rant>I'm so annoyed by geek quotes</rant>

<squee>I just got a new puppy!</squee>
by bluibry May 23, 2009
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