Bullshitting, like politics. When you are holding a joint and talking while everyone waits for u to pass that shit. When you have a drink and its only partially gone after a long time because you are distracted and not getting fucked up enough like you planned
"Damn girl...Quit politicing and drink your beer!"
"Stop politicing with that spliff and pass that shit"
by Brianne1979 January 15, 2006
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Excessively polite as in buttkissery kind of polite.
When we went on our date, he was ever so politeful and it seemed rude 'not to' so I bent over and let him kiss my ass
by Kateisms February 14, 2014
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to answer a question in an evasive, roundabout way. the way that politicians do.
"Don't politicate me, and just answer the question!" or
"Stop politicating me, and just answer my question!"
by LatMyLongitude September 23, 2011
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Proof that human beings are, indeed, dumbasses.
Typical politics in action:

Republican: My party's better than yours!
Democrat: No, my party's better!
Independent: Both of you shut the fuck up!
by Santa Claussssss December 21, 2009
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Something that makes people feel like human affairs are important, despite the fact that our entire planet- nay; solar system- nay; galaxy could be wiped from existence without altering the universe in any perceptible manner.
Imagine spending your entire lifetime discussing a single electron orbiting a single hydrogen atom bonded in a single water molecule lining the digestive tract of a security guard at Kohl's with no consideration for anything else in the world. That is more or less what politics are like.
by Cadaei June 16, 2011
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A bunch of rich people in a room yelling at each other pretending to get things done, basically a big circle jerk on the people they represent.
Modern politics is a complete waste of time, and people would be better off electing a potato as their representative it would accomplish just as much as their current representatives do.
by DOJOMASTER January 2, 2015
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