to go out with a bang
Jonnys trip to vegas was his last hurrah before he shot himself.
by James Pollock April 6, 2008
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(1)The feeling when “studying” for 2.5 hours for a test when after the 2.5 dreadful hours you realized that you jam packed so much useless information in your head that you learned nothing and it was a complete waste.

(2)Opening the biggest Christmas present you have only to find out that your “funny” uncle put a box of tissues inside multiple larger boxes to wipe your tears away once it’s all unwrapped over.
John: What did you do last weekend? I ate an m&m thinking it was a skittle. It was the most disappointing thing ever.
Billy: Oh man, sounds like you saw the Last Jedi.
by imdaddrmaster December 16, 2017
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(np) 1. The assertion that all existence sprang into being this past Thursday, with all memories of sentient beings created in situ. The Universe, and everything in it, was created last Thursday, along with our (false) memories of everything that happened prior to that. Another common belief, known as Last Tuesdayism, is considered wrong.
Q: "What is the evidence for Last Thursdayism?"
A: "There's lots of pieces of evidence that prove that Last Thursdayism is true but we can't go into that right now."
by Anonymous November 6, 2002
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The Last Jedi is to take something with great momentum and enjoyment, and then completely ruin the fun in it because you think you’re an intellectual
“Hey Rian look at this cool drawing I made!”
“Wow JJ that’s really cool, allow me to wipe my musty cheeks with it!”
“Aw, why did you The Last Jedi my cool drawing Rian?”
by AJsw77 October 13, 2018
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A lose military term used to describe a situation in which a group of people holds a defensive position in spite of almost certain defeat. examples include the battle of thermopylae, the battle of moscow and the battle of hill 776. contrary to popular belief the battle of little big horn aka. custer's last stand is not strictly speaking a last stand as custer was attacking and was over run due to his own faulty strategies.
the battle of little big horn was not a real last stand, custer was just to arrogant to accept help.
by 322955469 November 1, 2007
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To mess up on a huge scale, but blame everyone else for the problems it causes
Jeremy: Yeah Rian shit on George's paper he was writing and punched me in the balls, but when I got mad at him he went and told the teacher that I was the one who shit on the paper and he punched me in self defense and said I was being a Man Baby.

Ivan:Sounds like he pulled a "The Last Jedi"
by MR donde July 4, 2018
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