Canadian Term Meaning:

1.Someone who claims to love hockey but neither follows nor understands the sport

2. Someone you dislike
by B Wok October 28, 2002
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A nick name for one of the members of Dude Perfect
“Yo you hear of that man purple hoser??”
“Oh yeah he’s from Dude Perfect right!?”
Yeah mAn!!!”
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A literal god among men!
Someone who reminds you of jesus<3!
purple hoser freed the israelites from slavery
by allwomenarequeen August 20, 2018
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You are hip, live in the city, you go to all the cool shows, wear plaid shirts, ripped jeans, oversize coats and insist on drinking the cheapest shit beer you can find. Yes your cloths may be from a thrift store but not out of necessity, the toque that never leaves your unwashed head is a fashion accessory and that smell, well that you can't fake.
You're not from small town Canada you POSER HOSER!
by smilygrl December 7, 2009
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One who refuses to do any Latin homework. Hosers commonly construct diabolical plots to overthrow their Latin teachers. Hosers and Latin-lovers are sworn enemies. A small band of renegade hosers have created an Anti-Latin Terrorist Organization (ALTO) against the Language of Latin (LOL). There have been no known or scheduled meetings of either organization.
What are you all, a bunch of hosers? Mike and Adam back there haven't done their homework since like the first quarter. And I know you didn't do you project there either Molinsk.
by Mike Cioffi May 24, 2006
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where canadians go to grab a beer or to just hang out. Or ones house that is mostly canadian.
this is america go back to your hoser hut and cry into your beer.
by mcctino May 22, 2010
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any fucker who acts like they from Canadia, but they aint so fuck them. kinda like hockey hoser
You ain't no Hoser, eh! You're not from Toronto, eh! You ain't never been to Moosejaw, or Moosehead, or Moosefactory, eh! You couldn't find Regina on a map, eh! So what the fuck is a "Frobisher Bay", eh?!
by SLEEZ [MOD GRAFFIX KREW 2K4] December 22, 2004
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