a collection of lint, shit, dingleberries, pubes and toilet paper typically found at the top of an unkempt ass crack
Gary wiped his bung fungus across Shelia's toothbrush. LOL.
by Dr. Steve McBreffstank August 29, 2013
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He is a fungus and also a fungus there's not much more to say. Like a fungus he is old and has grandpa-like qualities.
Fungus the chungus what did you do with your baby?
Fungus: "hhhwwwooohhhattt, I yeetused that fetus"
by FungusChungusYeetusfetus May 12, 2019
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Beard or moustache, esp. one of poor coverage or one that is poorly groomed.
Often found on the faces of hipsters, although these examples tend to be groomed to excess.
Dude, your face fungus makes you look like a teenage hipster.
by Tangoes with Dingoes September 28, 2015
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The act of taking lsd and mushrooms togethers
Bro: yo I was so fucked when I was fungus dripping last night
Homie: I know man I saw u losing your shit earlier
by marshwallow March 23, 2018
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A drug dealer who exclusively deals mushrooms.
"Man, I haven't tripped in a week, I need to head on over to the fungus juggler."
by Big Chief Smackahoe May 18, 2009
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Semi-solidified secretions of the vagina resulting in the unfortunate fungal infestation of a sexually-immoral female individual.

Usually mouldy-cheese in appearance and emanates a somewhat foul, musty odour.
"I took home with me a stunning companion from the prestigious Garage nightclub in Glasgow only to find a horrifying harvest of flap fungus lurking..."
by flaplover February 2, 2010
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when performing the sexual act involving sticking one's tongue down someones ear resulting in earwax stuck on your tongue.
"i like giving my boyfriend earlingus but i always get earwax stuck onto my tongue."

"you got yourself some earlingus fungus, that's nasty!"
by mynameisjeff March 18, 2015
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