Any person of humble social origins who aspires to be a member of a higher and / or more affluent social circle. In order to qualify as a 'social climber' this person must first and foremost be an utter liar and one who will stop at nothing to shamelessly promote themselves above their social standing and ABILITY. For example, they went to a Polytechnic which suddenly translates into Eton followed by Durham University. They bullshit to the Boss about how hard working they are at the expense of their truly industrious, focused subordinates. In other words they are capricious and will stop at nothing to fuck you over and get promoted. They think they've 'made it' to the higher echelons when they've acquired a low spec BMW or Audi Q5 (insert name and model of other expensive motor vehicle) even though they had to take out a high interest dodgy loan to 'buy' this 'bauble'. They gossip and slag everyone off; they call people 'tramps' and such like when they look like shit themselves. The social climber will typically try to associate with completely higher ranking people, thus living beyond their means and totally ignore those of a lesser rank than themselves (particularly at social functions). It's all smoke and mirrors, networking and consolidation loans. They are so self indulgent that they fail to realise that their act is paper thin and their betters laugh at how ridiculous they are.
Person A: I've secured myself an invite to the Colonel's Dining Out.
Person B: Really, I didn't know about that.
Person A: (Smug) Of course you didn't, you're on duty call out anyway and your wife has to baby sit for us.
Person B: What, again? Fuck off you social climbing fakers.

Man: But I can't even play golf, what the deuce? I don't even own golf clubs!!!
Ambitious Wife: Buy some on the credit card. The big boss plays golf and you need to network!!!
Man: Yes your Highness.
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Fans of the L.A. Lakers. They are only fans when the Lakers are good, similar to band wagoners, except Fakers are not the average Joe. Fakers are made up of celebrities who have court side seats, but usually text all game and have no idea what basketball is; i.e. they think that a full court press is the media outside their divorce hearings. The most famous Faker is Jack Nicholson, while the fakest Faker of all is Justin Bieber, who is actually Canadian.
Los Angeles Fakers: "We won!"
Celtics Fans: "No, that 99-67 score means you lost. Again. Maybe if you would get off your phone and watch the Finals you would know that. Pshh, what a bunch of Fakers."
by manSTFD April 18, 2011
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A person who posts things on social media, looking like she/he has the most awesome life ever, looking like she/he is very popular and/or looking like they're really hot. But in real life they are nothing more than a plain person, or even just a loser.
The social media faker can go pretty far with trying to look awesomer than they are in real life. things such as making fake accounts and using it following themselves, commenting and liking het posts, use certain like/follow apps that get them more likes and followers.
But also just changing their outer appearance by editing their pictures -too much- or talking like they're highclass
Did you see Nora's new post?

Yeah she's such a Social Media Faker.
by Tigercute January 9, 2016
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Somebody who played in the elementary school band, where it was something everyone did, but was one of those kids who drop it after 1 or 2 years. However, they stay in band anyway because their crush is a band nerd.
Did you hear about Alli? She's only still playing the saxophone just because Aaron is! What a band nerd-faker!
by BananaMilkshake December 12, 2008
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A phrase given to a girl or woman who looks very attractive from a distance only to turn out butt ass ugly up close.
Guy 1: Bro that waitress last night was a 40 yard faker!

Guy 2: really?

Guy 1: yea i was like, "damn she's hot" until she came up and asked us for our order.
by PowerKing March 14, 2011
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The seagulls are fake af so if your're faker than them.... you really out there. Reel it in and make some friends
by Yeetohthecheetoh October 7, 2019
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Faker John is one the three "Untouchables" in the John Chart™ along with Maria Williams and Peter
Faker John's represent the polar opposite of Johns, they are unfriendly, lazy, extremely hard to approach and tend to possess psychopathic tendencies.
Person 1: Matthew is such a jerk! Can you believe what he did to Jenny?
Person 2: Yeah, what the hell, he's such a Faker John
by PixelManGaming January 22, 2023
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