to contact someone via facebook
"What are you doing this friday?"
"I don't know, if I hear of anything i'll face you."

by ALYsonRAE January 21, 2009
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a person who uses a lot of cocaine. short for "cokeface"
by matt March 22, 2004
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gettin face can be a Bj
by MH February 18, 2005
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something that gay emo and scene kids use as their screen names, usually with some sort of insult in front of it.
by yardee November 12, 2007
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Batistia Turned face after powerbombing Triple H through the table on Monday Night Raw.

by Travis Rashawn Ford September 17, 2006
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(adj.) cool, awesome, good etc.
by Peren August 12, 2005
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teen1: wats up biatch?
teen2: wats up face?
teen1: oh thats how it is?
teen2: you call me a biatch so i call tou ugly, simple.
by TOInette January 13, 2010
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