a secret code term for horny so that horny boys don't actually know you are horny.
"Hey how was your night last night with your boyfriend?"

"I am so sleep deprived--his mom walked in right as i was about to take off my pants."

*random 5 year old boy walking by* "Mommy, what does sleep deprived mean?"

"It means you're really really tired."
by Plum March 19, 2005
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When some dumb bitches boyfriend won't lay that wack ass pipe game down , Maybe he's in to fags maybe he's not , but then again maybe he is.
Bitch , you ain't gonna learn today or for a few months . Bitch , no dick 2 Night. DICK DEPRIVED
by kidd201 December 11, 2013
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a serious medical condition with symptoms including:


and the terrible

She's dying from Deprivation of Joe!
by jhddjfd March 10, 2009
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When you haven't seen,talk or interacted with bae for a extended period of time.
Me: I'm bae deprived.
friend: damn, that sucks.
by GottaHandleittoyou November 14, 2016
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Any dirty area of a house or structure, patio, walkway, etc.
Man, look at all them dustbunnies under the couch. I think the living room suffers from Sweep Deprivation.
by SJ@24 July 11, 2009
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A masked psychological technique applied perhaps intuitively by members of the dominant race, class, or ethnicity in society primarily by denying eye-contact, ignoring, and sometimes pretending to be a non-person or seeming to be unhappy or even angry at their victim for no apparent reason to intimidate, injure, disempower and put-down members of society's less powerful groups.
The descendants of the currently dominant race which invaded and occupied that part of the world apply the psychological technique social scientists call "attention deprivation" (denying their victims eye-contact, ignoring them, and sometimes pretending to be very unhappy or even angry at them for no reason) to dominate the descendants of the people who inhabited that part of the world thousands of years before them.
by but for October 1, 2017
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not having the chance to squeze a female breast in some indeterminate period of time
I've been married to a flat-chested woman for so long I am in a state of mellon deprivation.
by bullet88 August 4, 2010
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