One small area in Costa Mesa that is home to many industrial warehouses and low rent housing dominated by hispanics. Mesa Verde, East Costa Mesa, and South Coast regions of Costa Mesa, which all include exclusive areas, desperately wish this area would be bulldozed and redeveloped. Even with this area included, the average cost of a home in Costa Mesa surpases that of most neighboring cities, such as Huntington Beach and Irvine. (but not Newport Beach of course)
Why can't we just deport all of the beaners in Costa Mexico and
by tmart24 September 19, 2005
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A man who likes fortnite and normally likes to go by "massi". Usually disrespectful to parents/guardians. Tends to be popular but not in a good way and has phases of being obsessed with random woman. Loves screaming at adults. Not the best person.
Person 1: "Hey! You know about Massimo Costa, right?"
Person 2: "oh you that stupid fat bitch that likes his science teacher"
Person 1: "yeah! That's him!!!"
by Markys wife January 31, 2022
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Larger British drunken female tourist which provides late night beach rides for drunken male tourists. Native habitat is usually on the Spanish costlines but is now known to have spread to other coastlines in Europe.
Dave: "Fuckin'ell John where the fuck did you end up last night?"

John: "Yeah Dave, I was wankered. I remember coming out of the Pirate bar and taking that Costa Donkey that was slavering all over us for a ride on south beach."

Dave: "You dirty fucker, stay away from me!"
by Mat Vaughan July 11, 2008
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House Music Producer/DJ in the NYC area. Best known for his funny twitter remarks.
"Do you follow Jay Costa @jaycostadj on twitter?"
"Do you live under a rock?"
by JohnDoe13454 August 16, 2011
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One of the best if not the best footballer In the world.
Diego Costa won the ballon-door.
by Da Beast! November 30, 2016
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A smart and funny man who talks to the door when frustrated. He is a great friend to people when they are on his good side, but if you aren't, good luck.
That was a Mr. Costa thing of you to do.
by Dmanj31 November 16, 2011
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A place very commonly considered paradise, but what many people forget, is that this is an actual country, with an actual society and culture. Unfortunately, Costa Rica is known as simply paradise, and people only go there for the beaches, Eco-tourism, and luxury. They do not notice that the culture of this country is starving due to the amount of income coming in. What was once a beautiful society is now facing a heavy amount of crime. The tourism-oriented areas are the only ones where the crime is really a problem, other than the capital. The people of this country are the most good-hearted people when it comes to the root of it, but in a beach town consumed by tourism, foreigners are seen as dollar signs. There are some gang problems, and unfortunately, Maras are also present in the country. Also many beach towns are used heavily by the cartel, because of the young tourists being an easy target for drug trade. It's a beautiful country, but it's real beauty is in the heart, not what you see in the beach towns, such as Tamarindo.
Tico : "You've never been to the real Costa Rica, and you sound like an idiot saying that phrase 'pura vida' you gullible gringos"
by Marlon Carbajal January 30, 2015
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