An attitude one has when they purchase a Toyota Landcruiser 70 Series, commonly a 79 Series. Their enthusiasm will convey unwanted and unsolicited Instagram build pages flooding Facebook with their own self centered thoughts that they are the only important person who matters and no one else has ever done it before. They will put an loud aftermarket exhaust kit on their rig usually with Caterpillar and Cummins wind screen decals and repeatedly do mainys believing diesel soot gets the moot. When in reality they are driving around in what is designed to be an industrial vehicle.
I purchased a second hand 79 series landcruiser with 450,000kms and I paid $120,000, it really has been a game changer to say the least. Would you like to know my instagram page?
by GQsR4FHs January 20, 2021
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The one that always moves the goalposts to their own game to keep people from finding a rhythm. If you figured out the difference between what really happened and what a history book tells you happened, the game changer would change history. If you discovered the meaning of life, the game changer would change it to something else just to keep you arguing with his/her argumentative natured self.
It is the game of a game changer, it always has been.
by The Original Agahnim December 16, 2021
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A guy who plays 22 different video games in a weekend in his mothers basement is changing games a lot.
That fatass is a real game changer, he's been playing video games for 9 days in a row now.
by Solid Mantis June 23, 2018
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A Turnchanger is a complex invention. A Turnchanger is usually described as "everything that you don't need on a piece of wood." This is because Turnchangers do everything. A common Turnchanger usally has one or two motors, lights, and cool music. Turnchangers are so cool and popular that it is not only a machine, it is a band. Turnchangers do in fact exist. They are really BRAWLIC.
"Turn Changers are like iPhones, but better."
"Okay. Lets have a Shindig."
"Yeah, farnesque."
"iltg. brawlic."
"OK, fine."
by jimmy scott October 4, 2008
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..also known as the WCC

1. Dat Nigga Rob and dat Nigga Stew, two dope ass niggas that change the world, one person at a time, one blunt at a time
Nigga1: I ain't neva seen nuthin like that at a party before.

Nigga2: Dats cuz u ain't never partied wit the World Changer Click before.
by SweetStew November 11, 2007
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An ironic reference to ABC college football's "Pontiac Game Changing Performance". A fundamental shift in the status quo; a significant beat change that affects the perception of or outcome of an event. Also serves as a tongue and cheek commentary on our culture's reliance on corporate sponsorship for any and every little thing.
I didn't think Rebecca was into me, but then at 2 am last night she texted me to come over and smoke pot. It was, to say the least, a real pontiac game changer.
by Adam H Johnson January 13, 2009
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The act of coating ones fingers with copious amounts of tabasco sauce and then secretly and surreptitiously inserting them into your asian lover's anus.
Yuki wanted Brian to take her back to his apartment for wild sex. She turned around, with her back facing Brian, in order to get into position. All of a sudden her eyes got completely wide as she felt a sharp burning sensation inside her buttocks. She turned around to find a deviant Brian smiling devilishly at her. Little did she know that Brian had craftily administered and executed the perfect Chinese Eye Changer.
by magnumdefense January 29, 2013
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