1007 definitions by The Original Agahnim

Someone that tries to treat a female special to make himself look wonderful, when really he's a monster beneath the surface.
That guy with the Santa Claus complex has a gift for you, he's not even trying to hide it. He is arrogant and aloof about his Santa Claus complex.
by The Original Agahnim July 4, 2021
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A desert plant lady that specializes in cacti and succulents.
The succulent lady says put just a dollap of water on the cactus then don't touch it.
by The Original Agahnim January 12, 2022
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Not on one particular radar or another for popularity or anything else.
He was an invisible man, not an invinceable man.
by The Original Agahnim June 9, 2021
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A black kid that never once got their ass whooped as a kid, but somehow all they can talk about is how much harder it is to be them than it is to have lighter (especially pale) skin (usually to try and walk over or manipulate people that experience has taught them tend to be easier to manipulate than their own people).
All the functional marginalized whiner did was complain about how immature and dysfunctional all these so called privileged whites got to be, if only he/she could act that way like he/she wished for as a kid (as the stereotype goes, all the blond kids were having all the fun).
by The Original Agahnim December 9, 2021
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A black kid that never got their ass whooped by an authority figure (such as a parent) as a kid, then they get out into the world where not everybody has to be nice or refrain from cursing all the time and all of a sudden it's harder to be them than it is to be anybody (especially somebody with lighter skin/hair).
Nobody ever picked on the functional marginalized whiner, instead people usually picked on people they thought were easier targets, people with lighter skin and hair, people that seemed more childish and fucked up, people that didn't seem as together.
by The Original Agahnim December 9, 2021
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Conservatorship isn't slavery, and is nothing like slavery, there's no legitimate comparison between conservatorship and slavery. All these people making time to protest for Britney Spears have families, jobs, and lives, yet they are all focusing their time and energy on one person, which is silly. There are a lot of problems in the world to focus on just one person that much. There's a point where you've supported someone enough already through CD and ticket sales, and you let them try to stand on their own two feet and learn to walk their own walk, instead of always trying to be there and do their walking for them. Let them take their baby steps and you don't have to bring cameras and broadcast every step, giving the baby more attention than any one person should ever get in a lifetime over something silly.
Britney Spears is not a slave and Britney Spears is not in prison, so Free Britney Spears from what exactly? A bad decision she made in the past? Her fans didn't make the decision, why are they responsible for getting her out of her own mess?
by The Original Agahnim June 24, 2021
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Something you don't see often, like a smiling runner or a crying baseball player.
The smiling shooter had a big smile on her face when she unloaded both the guns she was holding.
by The Original Agahnim August 12, 2021
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