When a woman's vaginal lips are shown through excessively tight pants. Usually sweat pants.
"You know the Don from West 2? She's got massive camel toe. It makes me mad horny."
by Ammar Nassar. Go UW MATH! August 18, 2005
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When a girl has masturbated too much thus resulting in an enlargement of the lips of the vagina. This coupled with tight jeans results in the effect of what looks like a hump or "camel toe" in the pants by the said vagina.
"Damn bro you see her camel toe?"
"Hellz yeah that shit is huge, its like 3 combined into 1"
by Day-umSooonnn May 21, 2009
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The covering of clothing over a woman's vagina that says rub here to open. There are two sides to every camel toe and they both need attention to unlock the door.
dude #1: Her camel toe is inviting me to touch it.
dude#2: Yep, it's freakin awesome, I think I got wood!
Dude #1: I'll jerk off to her later....
by A big D August 10, 2008
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1. Being able to see the follds of a vulva inside a tight pair of pants on a woman.
2. An EXTREAMELY loose pussy.
Either we didnt have enough stools at the bar, or Suzy has the biggest camel toe ive ever seen!
by Not so super DJ Gennady January 31, 2003
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When they are smiling from top and bottom!!
Camel Toes can even talk your way out of a ticket!!
by Bridget September 18, 2003
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when a woman pulls her pants up too far and the hem goes up her vagina and makes everyone in the general area wnat to slit their wrists because it is disgusting
One day, my math teacher Mrs. Morlock walked into class and she had the biggest camel toe ive ever seen!
by lightpost July 19, 2006
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when girl's wearin pants hella tight that they get a wedgie in their koochie
Her pants were so tight she was sportin' that camel toe
by LADY B January 10, 2005
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