1. Men's close fitting, ribbed, sleeveless white cotton undershirt most commonly used before T-shirts came into vogue as undergarments. It is named wife beater after Marlon Brando's character, Stanley Kowalski, who wore one during much of the movie version of Tennessee Williams' "A Streetcar Named Desire." Stanley proved to be a sloppy, drunken, ill-tempered brute who beat his wife.
2. Slang name in Britain for a Belgian lager, Stella Artois, mostly because of the name, Stella, after Stella Kowalski, the victim of a beating from her husband, Stanley, in the aforementioned Tennessee Williams' play, "A Streetcar Named Desire," but also because of the high alcohol content which could possibly lead one to wife beating were he so pre-disposed.
"That fellow wearing the wife beater has knocked back 3 wife beaters in less than half an hour!"
by alfamax September 5, 2011
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The hands of a male which are used to manually pleasure himself in order to satisfy his sexual frustration.
Dont touch me with your crusty dick beaters!
by SeptiK September 8, 2003
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Someone who beats up children- normally a coward
*man hitting his kid in public*

by *your nan***** November 22, 2015
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A tank top usually white
Yo' it's hot as shit outside. I think Ima put on my wife beater.
by L-boogie June 23, 2003
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a women that beats on here husband or man and/or verbaly abuses him. A woman who beats up on men. Usual a woman who gets drunk and/or has low self-esteem.
she beats on her man.. dang dat makes he a man beater.
by abcdefghi April 23, 2007
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The act of having to take a massive dump/diarrea, and getting to the toilet only seconds before you could not control it any longer.
Luckily that last stall was open for him, because he just barely got that buzzer beater crap in the bowl.
by DLE101 February 20, 2010
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