da name of the guy who got many chicks;
Got the girls ridin on his dick

(derived from Q Mcdizzle and definition made by Emmanuel)
Yo Flick got many chicks; He got the girls ridin on his dick.

That nigga flick gt all girls.
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Another word used for throwing, generally used by Australian cricketers.
“That’s a great flick Nigel
by 124243 March 18, 2020
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1. Friend(s) who skip out on you at every occasion.

2. People who know you in person but completely ignore you online.
Girl: Hey did you go see that movie with James?

Guy: No he skipped out on me. Said he couldn’t come.

Girl: Oh man. He’s a fucking Flick
by Izek The Irishman January 29, 2018
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you can post goku doing the flick flick on september 20
"maybe that forehead flick was a bit much, but at least i got you for that forehead flick! flick flick!" - Billy
"wtf"- John
"its flick flick day John!" - Billy
by usecode_guest September 20, 2022
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A female who does not wear a bra.
An acronym of Funbags Loose In Chicks Kit
Whoa, did you see the nips on that flick?

Flicks not wearing a bra today!
by anoneymousey July 27, 2008
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A term that refers to the action of literally flicking someone's penis with ones fingers.
Haha, you flicked that guys penis last night, your so weird. *FLICK*
by Benjamin_R December 4, 2005
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It's the word flick but in capitals so it looks like FUCK. It's a good way to bypass cuss filters without saying something like fuk or fu.ck
person1: How can I bypass filters when I say fuck?
person2: say flick in capitals
by quinton chan September 3, 2007
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