A dope-ass french music event that is done in many middle school french classes worldwide. It has a collection of 16 french songs, which change every year, in a bracket. Students vote for which one moves on, and whoever predicts the winner gets a prize.
Boy 1: My Class is doing manie musicale!
Boy 2: Dope! I did that last year, have fun.
by Bendo125314 April 23, 2021
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an indian with rotten yellow teeth who wears nerdy glasses and gets any girl he wants by the special cloth. he is also related to NEVE
your such a mani dinki
by penetration69 October 22, 2013
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The name of a girl hailing from Bombay , usually thin with large eyes. Mani-sha's are famous for SLOW talk and their inevitable obsession for the colour purple. Maths is an alien language for them and they detest anything with numbers.
You know it is Mani-sha when they begin their sentences with "Listen".
by up_side_down November 16, 2011
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A form of kudos given to someone who is a ninja at finding things on the internet, or placing internet pop culture references.
Kane: Dude, I actually found a .txt copy of that book that was in episode 2 of that show i forgot the name of!

Ken: Many internets to you my son.
by kp1 June 25, 2009
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To call someone ignorant, a moron or even dumbass
"Shut up you damm Cak a manie"
by Big MIKe G 29 form cail July 12, 2008
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