-When you say whoop whoop is and exicement for something.

-Down in Miami whoop is not a cheer is a dance.
"whoop whoop we going to the club tonight"
by MiAMiG0onetz January 5, 2008
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An expression of delight used to announce the arrival of the weekend. Attributed to Jo Oman.
Hey! It's Tuesday and guess what - Whoop Whoop!
by awap4 May 4, 2010
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The feeling you get right before you are going to whoop some ass or can also be used as a feeling before you are about to wax some ass.
I can feel the whoopness in the air; this dude really about to bring the whoopness out of me; i can feel the whoopness down below so this girl really about to get it.
by DeMCe JaK February 8, 2011
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1: A signal used when someone is pissed to the point of not caring anymore. Usually means you broke 'em bro. Often a sarcastic reply to excessive amounts of complaining. More specifically a sarcastic reply to some dumbass getting upset if you make a "mistake".

2: said when a genuine mistake is made.

3: said when a mistake was made on purpose.
1: idiot: I hate math
Me: oof
Idiot: I hate ice cream
Me: damn
Idiot: I'm booooored
Me: sorry?
Idiot: you're no fun
Me: whoops.

2: me *knocks over Coke and spills on friend accidentally* whoops!

3: me: *knocks Coke over and spills on crush so I have an excuse to fluster and grab some napkins for him, opening up possible conversation- even tho I'm too awkward to actually do that but whatever idfc* whoops.
by Yeeting Hecks May 20, 2020
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The word nobody wants to hear in a nuclear laboratory.
Worker: How's that nuclear bomb going?
Co-Worker: Whoops!
Bomb Explodes
by haxxxer February 25, 2018
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"So, dude, do you like anyone?"

"Yeah, man. I'm whooped on Alex."
by juan villicana June 25, 2007
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The most insincere way of acknowledging your mistakes and having no intention to fix it.
Guy:"My phone is broken because of you"

Guy2: "It was a mistake,whoopsie"
by Super Niggalicious December 10, 2018
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