Vex 3 is the best game ever, and it will be for the rest of existence. It's so good that once you play it you will be eternally depressed until you play it again. It's basically addiction V2. If under any circumstances you ask someone (or something) if they know Vex 3 and they say no, you must instantly get rid of them.

TIP: This game is so good that no person in the world can not like it. This means that getting a girlfriend is easy, all you have to do is show them Vex 3 and you will be soulmates forever.
Person 1: Yo wanna marry me
Person 2: Ew no
Person 1: *Shows off Vex 3*
by Lover of Vex games June 15, 2021
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Guy: I didn't do nothing I swear.
Cop: I think he's trying to vex me.
by John August 30, 2004
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Irritating, and annoyingly asking irrelevant rhetorical questions.
Boss: Hey, have you finished that report yet?

Me: Uh no.
Boss: But it's been 2 days. Get on it!
by ChunkyBrown January 20, 2016
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one who does not posses either sex organ. smooth skin between is legs. no innies or outies
by D April 15, 2003
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Slang for Mexican Vasectomy, the act in which ones testicles are melted via blow torch to the point of where reproducing is impossible.
“So I came inside this girl last night man!”
“Woah be careful you don’t want to get a girl pregnant man
“Nah dude its good, I'm sterile due to a Vex Mex a few years ago”
by Swaggert McYolo September 13, 2019
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very cool and amazing person, also very funny, future Hu Tao/Ayaka haver, mihoyo told me ‼️‼️‼️
person 1: omg do u know that very cool Xinyan main who's discord user is Vex<3
person 2: yes duh he's so cool😈💪💪
by Hydro Archon July 2, 2021
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