The cornerstone and foundation of the Hindu ritual known as Bhangra. Used by the bhangraest of Hindus. Often used in rapid succession of each other. The first letter can also be replaced with any non-vowel, usually. Sometimes, they can be replaced with vowels too.
by T-Mac March 13, 2005
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A form of torture used by the USA. The tortured person is slammed against a wall.
Walling is illegal according to the European Court of Human rights.
by carrm April 21, 2009
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Someone that barely or doesn't talk. When you talk to them it is like talking to something inanimate because they don't reply or they take forever to reply and say only one word.
Guy: Hey girl whats yup?
Girl: -Silence-
Guy's friend: Man you are talking to a wall!

Katie: Jordy C Mike isn't talking again.
Jordan: That's because he is being a wall.

by Katie Wright March 22, 2008
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The area of Urban Dictionary that people spam, write profanity on and write racist statements on as well as insult other countries such as Canada, England and, yes, the United States.
I tried to make an intelligent remark on the wall but everyone called me a cracker and made sure to state how much America sucks.
by jrtman October 31, 2005
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The best album you'll ever listen to in your whole miserable life.
-What's your favorite song off Walls?
- Only The Brave
by Defenceless January 31, 2021
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Interesting term, it means vaginal opening as far as I'm concerned.
"...Take you home, let you juggle my balls (my balls)
While I'm beatin and tearin down your walls (oh yeah)"

-Trillville, Some Cut
by Andi March 20, 2005
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A thing that Trump wants to build.
I am going to build a wall. I'll make Mexico pay.
by dat boi 666 Doritos and mtndew November 11, 2016
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