Someone that is grown on the surface, but is a child and a clown beneath the surface facade.
The reverse man child/girl child looked and sounded serious, but really he/she took nothing seriousy and held nothing sacred.
by The Original Agahnim August 12, 2021
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Petty Man Child is a stupid, mean, self-absorbed, crazy, and dumbest person you will ever meet. Some things Petty Man Child will do: Blocks his crush and leaves on delivered a lot. He will cal a 7-year-old a h*e because he's mad at you. Will call you a b*tch. Will ignore you 24/7/ Will make you cry every night because he makes you feel like your worthless. Will blame you for everything. Thinks he's the center of the world. Will make all your friends hate you because he spread rumors about you
Elijah is a Petty Man Child.
Petty Man Child is an idiot who should die.
by M. B. Palmer December 15, 2021
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Someone that is grown on the surface, but is a child and a clown beneath the surface facade.
by The Original Agahnim August 12, 2021
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It's a baby that looks like an old man. Or an adolescent male who attempts to act like he is grown but in turn appears even younger than he is.

Google Image "baby jesus baroque paintings" and you'll see
(ex. 1)
Ben: Did you see that baby over there? Totally looks like an old man!
Jerry: That's a baby man child!

(ex. 2)
Amy: That freshman over there thinks he's so cool, he's bragging about how many girls he got with last night.
Caleb: It makes him seem like he's still in middle school, such a baby.
Cara: That makes him a baby man child!
by your.hugh.jass September 27, 2013
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Carlos Duran of Lincoln Park MI
Grown man that acts like he’s 18
Person 1 (over age 34): bro let’s go get fucked up and shots tonight, I bet I can out drink you!

Person 2: your such Carlos Duran Man child.
by Carlos Duran man child July 22, 2023
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