Online term used to show disinterest in something, used dismissively.
A sort of weak, sarcastic cool
Lamer: I got my dress today for the dance!
Me: Kewl
by Stephen McLeod December 4, 2003
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The uncool way to spell "cool". Commonly used by Internet geeks.
That website is really kewl!
by N3cr0n0mIV October 18, 2003
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Internet slang for the word "Cool"
A unique word in Uglish.
Wow, that jackes it too kewl.
by Someone February 24, 2005
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I don't know what's worse - the fact that you need to look this word up or the fact that it was created in the first place. in any case you should shoot yourself in the face.
Some 14 year old whore told me how 'kewl' she was - I found her slaughtering of the language offensive so force fed her a gallon of bleach.
by Suko January 20, 2004
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kewl means wants to be cool, but it just is not cool.
The teacher is kewl
by jj September 1, 2003
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word is from a Chinese philosopher named Jonathan Lui, born in the 20th century, which means "cool" or in good sense
"I feel kewl when driving in that car."
by Anonymous February 27, 2003
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Meghan Hunter is the definition of kewl.
by Ooooo sexy December 27, 2010
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