Used by American servicemen stationed in Germany to refer to German women, especially the women who frequent the same clubs and bars as American servicemen.
I tore that schnitzel bitch up last night.

One of those schnitzel bitches gave me the clap, now I got drippy dick.
by ChipSlap February 2, 2005
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JB: God, I'm fuckin hungry. Let me check the fridge... Dude, where's my fuckin
schnitzel? Hey, wake up. Wake up you asshole, wake up.
KG: Whahahat? Wh?
JB: Wake up.
KG: What?
JB: You ate my fuckin schnitzel.
KG: What?
JB: You ate my fuckin schnitzel.
KG: Well it was in there. If you put it in there, then it's fair game.
JB: Yeah?
KG: For anybody that wants to eat it.
JB: Well then maybe this is fair game. YAH!
KG: Ow God, Hey!
JB: Yeah, that's right its a karate chop!
KG: What're ya doin?
JB: Well if you didn't like that, how 'bout this? KIYAY!
by karate schnitzel May 29, 2006
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It's a half Czech and half Hungarian delicatesy consisting of chicken, lettuce, tomatoes and bread cake. Sometimes mistaken for common chicken burger however true schnitzel burger is only eaten by burger specialists.
Davidla just made me nicest Schnitzel burger ever.
by ReaLShizzleBurger August 22, 2012
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The act when a women shoves either a slim jim or other form of beef jerky into her vaginal cavities while she is having her period and having a man lick and or eat the entire blood covered snack.
Dude last night my girlfriend gave me a taste of her French Schnitzel
by Mikehal August 16, 2008
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scandanavian slang for a delicious snack eaten at 4:02 o'clock in the afternoon after a pleasant stroll on a wednesday just before it rains. : )
That was a delicious weiner schnitzel we had laste wednesday at 4:02 o'clock before it rained.
by That.Scandanavian January 31, 2009
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