Neanderthal-like creature who lives around Gackle-Streeter, North Dakota area. Known to be tall and hairy. WARNING: do not approach while wearing provocative clothing.
by Trevor Marshall March 25, 2003
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A code word used by high school students in the toronto canada area meaning excesive sack sweat.
" I got so much fuckin sasquatch its soaking through my pants."
by Zacharias October 28, 2004
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A type of female that is everywhere, unlike the Sasquatch. A giant love filled clique which is completely void of boys, except for the odd gay or oddball. They are generally friends with hipsters and avoid slags due to disgust. Makes up about half of the female school population. They almost never have boyfriends although by the time they're twenty they will be extremely attractive.
Sidney:So what are Sasquatches?

Ben:See that large group of girls over their.


Ben: Them
by Triangle-maker December 23, 2012
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your friends girlfriend who is three times the size of him and has a massive swamp crotch vagina.
He really needs to get rid of that sasquatch vagina
by JP$ October 1, 2003
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a furry beast with idiot tendencies. resembles a hairy loogie. insists that equal fractions, such as 1/2 and 4/8 are, in fact, unequal. also hasn't shaved her legs in a month.
man that sara is a real sasquatch.
by do i have to??? February 5, 2008
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The act of quickly driving away from a person who is attempting to open the door to get in your car.
Kevin-Dude, call Maddie, I wanna sasquatch her so bad

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A fat, ugly little man with lots of body hair, he could be mistaken for that half-human/half-ape creature that lives in the woods
I gave Sasquatch a $500 gift card from a spa, he needs hair removal badly.
by The Real Canadian May 9, 2019
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