An older woman, usually 55-60 years of age and up, who clad themselves in excessive amounts of jewelry. They can easily be identified by the gold ring/s one that adorn every finger. Their favorite haunts are pawn shops, flea markets and the QFC shopping channel. A curious side to the Raccoon's fondness of shiny objects, is their penchant for being heavily perfumed. If you ever find yourself between a showcase of shiny objects and a charging, glassy-eyed raccoon, you can try the time tested diversion by shouting "jewelry sale across the street!" This may buy you just enough time to escape a certain, glittering, Oil of Olay scented demise.
You'll know a Raccoon when you see one...
by AxisOfSmeagol May 15, 2012
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I know what you’re talking about keint and yes I have a raccoon
by Hahahahdhhfidnfurnfig May 21, 2018
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An annoying little thing that goes through your trash and is a slur on the game known as Warframe.
Stacy: That guy is such a Raccoon

Karen: That's why I took the kids.
by Unironic Cloud Shrug March 21, 2019
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Cindy's from iRO loki, her favorite animal in the whole world.
Cindy likes to have hug raccoons and sleep with them.
by Adam November 22, 2004
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While getting head(oral sex) from a girl behind a dumpster you simply punch the bitch in the eye, giving her the appearance of a raccoon.
Chaz: Man did you see the fuckin shiner on Laura, I Gave that bitch a raccoon she wouldnt ever forget!
Chris: Eww Dude...that bitch is sick! but fuckin A on the raccoon brother.
by Pacifico May 31, 2007
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the act of engaging in hairy butt animal sex. the victim is usually left with painful and lasting memories.
girl: ow my ass is hurting
girl2: u got raccooned
by Air Bud 3 October 29, 2006
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That's them kosher chocolate or coconut cookie things the jewish people eat during passover. Chocolate and Coconut raccoons.
Have some of the raccoons moyshe, I'm saving the coffee cake for company.
by Manny F August 10, 2006
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