When you power off your apple phone to get a better signal and you pray that it will reboot and come back on. That seemingly eternal moment between the black screen and the apple logo appearing.
I use apple pray when I shut down and re power my iphone, hoping that it comes back on.
by palmie g August 9, 2022
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When you've drunk too much and eaten you occasionally find yourself puking on your knees in front of a toilet. The position suggests that you're praying to the toilet, i.e. toilet praying
Dude I wrote all my exams yesterday and went to a grand party. The next day i was toilet praying all morning long!
by Swissmiz October 29, 2010
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this is when you are doing a girl doggy style and put your fingers in her nose from over her forehead and pull her back. The resulting flailing of her arms makes her look like a praying mantis
Take this praying mantis bitch!
by Rob Pibbs April 15, 2004
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just before you blow your load from pumping a girls ass doggie style, you take out your rod and let it explode on her back.
Hey mom, what's a praying donkey?
by krimsenkat12 July 29, 2003
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A strange insect where the female eats the male after the mating ritual.
Praying mantis - the ultimate torturous sadistic fetish in an insect.
by Adel7 December 2, 2007
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When you are having sex with a woman from behind and after she orgasms she reaches back and rips your head off.
Oh man, maria totally praying mantis'd alex last night.
by MantisMan December 10, 2010
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