It's video games, cards, and a TV show... the TV show was geared towards kids and was really lame. THe cards were geared towards kids, but they were such a complicated game that no one knew how the hell to play so they would just steal them from each other. The games are really good and was the second-highest selling video game in america after mario.

POkemon made some major adjustments in the second generation of games to make them less violent and enslaving-- like the concept of pokemon evolving when they really like you (you have to spoil them.) And pokemon hatching from eggs rather than being caught. Also in the 3rd generation you had the option to not battle at all and just enter little contests with your pokemon.

It's true though, they're scraping the bottom of the barrel now that they have like 385 pokemon.

People accuse the creator of pokemon (i forget his name) of attempting world domination, and say things like "it's such a stupid idea" about the series. Well, whatever, but obviously he had WAY better ideas than any of them because THEY aren't the creators of multi-million dollar franchises.

People like to use pokemon to be racist against japanese people. See below.
Those japs are like, "OOO ping pang pong!!! We take ovah world with pokeyman! We bomb pearl harbor!!!" That bastard rich businessman deserves to DIE!!! anyone who likes to play pokemon has committed a sin worthy of DEATH!!!!!
by You are being watched August 31, 2006
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the greatest nintendo game ever made, yet it was butchered to death in near futre in that which we live in now as nintendo got over their little inflated heads as not ending when they should and aiming pokemon to little snot nose 2 years old who have no idea what they're doing and neglecting and isolating the older players who appreciate a good game when one is presented.
teens make fun of those still into pokemon as it is for "little kids" but yes the anime sucks dicks, but pokemon red and gold still pwn. Also americans totally screwed up pokemon as with all good anime that appear on regular tv channels
by lightxknowsxall February 19, 2009
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Oh... OH LOOK! It's POKEMON! You know your life revolved around this shit when you were 10. You got that motherfucking GameBoy for Christmas and a ton of Pokemon cards. Everyone always made fun of you because you never had a holographic Charizard.
But no dumbass ever did.
You're 20 and still into Pokemon. And I'm not talking about that crap they show on TV. I'm talking the real deal: The actual shit. Blue and Red, but you always wanted Red to compensate for that holographic Charizard you never had.
So you look back and smile, and remember that you lived in that time.
You kicked ass with your Pokemanz. You still do, and you're not afraid to admit it because you're still into that kind of shit you were eight years ago.
I don't need to give a damn example. You know perfectly well what this shit is. It's Pokemon.
by DeathByAshen July 4, 2012
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Pokemon is a fun and cool show.
The games are great and the graphics and fantastic.

The TCG is a game where you play your pokemon cards and trade them to other people and the designs of the cards are like wow.

The show is a bit startling because it is a bit kiddy and the emotional parts are like: please spare my darling sneasel so we can get on with our life and marry! O_O

The merchandise is like the trading card game, awsome and cool.
Apart from the show every thing is Awesome!
RED and BLue: Not good enough but the original game~the ones who started it.2 stars

Yellow: Better but still not good enough 2stars

Gold and silver: Much improved but when can we choose a girl?2stars

Crystal:Much MUch more improved and can choose a girl now and animated pokemon Sprites,Cool! 3 stars

Ruby and saphire :Very Much improved and with contests but what happened to the animated sprites in Crystal? 2 stars

Emerald : Yay animated sprites! and battle frontier too, 5 stars!

Diamond and Pearl: like above but without battle frontier but better graphics ,wi-fi and better contests!But it does kinda suck... 4 stars!
by Beaconetric August 25, 2007
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A show with the slogan "Gotta Catch 'Em All" which is obviously talking about STDs.

Me: Wanna trade?
by JakeMeister69 October 24, 2008
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that which refers to my favorite sport
ya this year I was third in the state for pokemon. Next year I'm trying for the olympics
by metalhead8231 August 31, 2008
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Person 1: Dude, my Typhlosion just learned Flamethrower.
Person 2: Thats Awesome, Typhlosion is the best pokemon.
by Idk What to call myself April 24, 2010
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