off your head drunk, usually aussie, pommy or irish way of saying drunk
"Oh my god, billy chucked in my front yard last night!"

"Yeah, he was totally pissed."
by IzaBera April 6, 2009
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Another saying for "fuck it" or "I don't care"
My hair looks like craps, oh well "piss on it"
by tamtamB August 28, 2015
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A word used to express frustration or anger.
Kayleen(after CDs are stolen): PISS!
Emily(when really bored): Piss mother!
by EmilyJayne February 27, 2005
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a situation that pisses you off.
hey jan, isnt it pissful how you found condoms in the bible in your stepdads room?

yeah billy, thats really pissful.
by Jack Shitt August 9, 2006
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The Piss is The Piss.

The Piss is like DaBaby, but better because he is The Piss.
by homomanian June 13, 2021
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One level above pissed off. You are so mad that you would literally kill someone for accidentally bumping into you.
Rae: Hey Jon I'm so getting so pissed in right now.

Jon: why is that?

Rae: because paer rejected me.
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