A female who is mysterious. She is a mystery girl who lives in a mystery world and mystery boys will be her toys. She is rather snazzy basically.
Mystery girl enjoys a nice cup of tea and a sit down.
by m_g October 14, 2005
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(adj.) A word used to describe a guy that is cool, attractive and doesn't speak in long sentences and only reply in words like "Yes" "No" "Maybe" or just shrug their shoulders, nod heads or shake them "No". They usually have an evil smile in their face that makes people wonder what they're thinking about and makes girls fall in love because its so cool. They are always silent and only speak when something is important. Most of the time mistaken as emo or scheziophrenics.
Rick is so mysterious (adjective), he's cool.
She finds mysterious (adjective) boys attractive.
by nothingness110 November 9, 2008
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Mystery Method is a seduction process designed around the psychology of female attraction towards men with alpha male behavioral attributes, most particularly on the subtle level. Fundamentally, the method works under the principle that any man can showcase alpha-like behavioral traits through posture and positioning, conversation and other, more subtle practices while interacting with women, hence increasing his chances for more successful pick-ups.
Mark stopped behaving like a nervous, appologetic fool around women when he learned about the mystery method and how to apply it.
by Doc Xavian July 11, 2008
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probably the best website ever. you type something in the engine and you get what the last person searched for. good for when you are bored.

most people put in AIM screen names, e-mails, or cell phone numbers and tells the person to message them. it also gives out missions which people can complete and put on MLIA.
I got a Mystery Google Mission to text this person and ask for the Cookie Monster!
by the extra inch in your pants January 3, 2010
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A loud fart is heard when you think you are alone in a restroom.
I thought the restroom was empty, then a mystery pooper announced his presence with a huge, vibrating fart from the stalls.
by Jackson Elms June 27, 2017
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A term created by users on 4chan's Video Game board. It is used as a way to start discussion on unreleased Super Smash Brothers characters and perhaps leaks posted by fellow users.
Anonymous 12/29/20(Tue)11:32:03 No.538282376
"Mystery Niggas"
Followed by an image of the current Roster or Fighter Pass.
by Dimes4Crimes December 29, 2021
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Yet another fad from the infamous ytmnd, the mystery song was played in the background of an entry called "Demon Exterminator". It became known as the mystery song because no one could figure out what it was called or who it was by. It became an internet fad to the point that CNN even did a peice on its popularity. Its title and artist were finally discovered by the ytmnd user PocoLoco to be "Answers" by the group Vigilante.
A: Hey, have you heard what the mystery song is called?
B: STFU n00b this news is weeks old.
by Andrew Herbert May 28, 2006
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