the most absolute magnicent amazingest chick ever to be born! she attracks the stupid ones, she knows who she is, she doesnt take shitt from anyone! shes a princess, and knows it. you dont treat her like one, then baa bye babyy. she sometimes has trouble with her self cofindence with her body, remember this to remind her she is the world to you and she'll fall in love with youu<3
by m;john:) June 14, 2009
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Smart, tasteful,beautiful are just some of the words to describe her. Her gas smells like minty mints.When she walks she calms the turmoil of the middle east. She has great feet. She once beat Gordon Ramsey in a cooking and eating contest. She gave an interview to Sweet Brown, and Jonatan the turtle kid. She has never woken up with bad hair. She applies Michaela to MAC and its overdone employees. She make your stomach warm like hot chocolate on a frozen Thursday while snow has fallen in insurmountable levels letting you know its going to be you and your blanket until the next school day. Her voice was used as an unauthorized sample at the beginning of Ultralightbeam - Kanye West.

Sir:"Good day Ma'am"

Michaela: "Good day Sir"
Sir: "Behold a lady"
Gentleman: "I wonder how many Michaela's are left in the 20th century"
Sir: "Not many kind sir, I must surrender her now before the sunsets"
(Michaela) - woman faster than her time but smarter than the populous of women in the 21st century.
by Grinddaddy June 13, 2017
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among us impostor that doesnt leave medbay also kills people in front of people aka sputnik
dont be like michaela, stay out of medbay
by Trash idiot March 9, 2023
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a kind, loving and caring girl. sometimes shy but ones you get to know her she a real sweetheart. perfect girlfriend, better friend. beautiful eyes like a Disney Forrest. soft skin like a new born baby. sweetest smile that you see rarely but once you do you wont forget it.

love xoxoxo
i love you

she has beautiful eyes

by nanoboi November 5, 2021
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nino nino
nino nino michaela
by xxbum April 3, 2021
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a stupid dumb fuck who sucks pussy all day long and plays with little dicks
glad im not a michaela
by tankthefag November 23, 2007
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A girl who is rude, punches people, is fat, has a flabby second chin, a disgusting mole on her cheek, but kinda OK. She looks like a big blob. (Of fat)
by yepyepyep1234 March 16, 2015
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