the act of sleeping with a lawyer and waking up to him telling you "Your clothes are in the den."
"I knew I was going to be lawyered when he mentioned that he loved Steely Dan before we fell asleep."
by Malgosha June 16, 2007
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Term used to describe the target market for very expensive guitars, the implication being that the only people who actually buy them are rich hobbyists and not actual gigging musicians.
"The Les Paul Supreme has a list price over 6 grand, clearly intended only for the blues lawyers."
by The Biggest Z October 3, 2014
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A two-story tall entryway typically found in a McMansion that is emblematic of a powerful institution yet comprised of cheap and tacky finishes.
From the outside I could tell it was a McMansion, but the Kinkade hanging in the Lawyer Foyer was the icing on the cake.
by LochNessa7 December 30, 2017
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term for a group of lawyers / collective noun, e.g.: gaggle of geese, flock of sheep, parliament of owls, gawk of tourists, etc.
Justice may be blind, but the Judge ain’t; meaning: you can’t be representing yourself when the other side has a whole chisel of lawyers.
by ΔиłĦ☼иצ ߀₡ʞ August 23, 2012
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The flattest-ass kinda broke there is.
Believe every dollar I see is going straight to my lawyer to keep my broke ass outa jail.
said to dealers and hoes, "Don't even show me that crack. I am lawyer-broke 'til next year !"
by May 27, 2023
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Lawyers who purposely avoid your emails and/or follow ups. They are called cockroach lawyers because they run and skittle away, hiding behind the cupboards every time you want to hear from them.
Damn, Anthony is such a cockroach lawyer. Followed him up 2 weeks and still no response. Maybe we should sprinkle some crumbs so he appears from behind the cupboards
by Danglesssss August 31, 2021
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when you say something very misleading but still not false. it's like a half-truth.
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman." - Bill Clinton

Technically, he didn't have sex with Monica Lewinsky but she did give him a blowjob. That is lawyer talk.
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