hot and sexy.
wow, she looks like such a jed!”
by eliza 🤨 September 10, 2021
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Pirated. Can be used for games, music or films.
'Bro! I didn't know you bought the new Call Of Duty!'
'Haha, I jedded it man.'
by sebuwure January 13, 2021
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A complete fuckboy who doesn't have any emotions. He will attract you in with his good looks and his sense of style but ends up using you. Girls, don't even try with him. You're just another girl he's gotten with.
"Don't get with that fuckboy Jed, he's just going to use you."
"He's so frickin hot, but I don't want to be hurt again."
by Anonymous15101520 November 9, 2016
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a guy that plays all the girls, he's not a nice person but all the girls adore him because of his summer body
dan: woah look at stephanie over there with that lad

john: he's definitely a jed, all over that girl
by yourmumbadboi December 11, 2016
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Tall guy with long hair and beard, who wears a large overcoat no matter what the weather. Based at New Street but known nationally. Favourite saying "What was on the Brighton"
by Broomster June 29, 2003
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common slang used by intellegent lads from the school of Riverview to indicate the imbreedity of their mates
chaffey is a jed. Jed is a chaffey
by carey April 21, 2003
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apparently before jed had left us he wrote some poems
by Jimmy August 20, 2003
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