A fake pudding invented to make the English appear ignorant about the shit house local recipes. When mentioned they commonly reject it's existence then agree it does just to sound less stupid.

It is also a term for when a gay man falls asleep with jizz on his face and it dries so he can chip it off and eat it when he is hungry.
Q: "Hey John, is that Hastings Pudding on your face?"
A: "Fook me I have been looking for that cunt on google for ages, fookin takes good!!"
by mindcandy March 21, 2012
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Rammstein's lyrics have a double meaning. Said aloud, 'du hahst' could mean 'you hate,' (Du haßt) but it could also be 'you have,' which is what the official lyrics say, and which is what makes sense with 'du hast mich gefragt,' -> 'you have asked me.'
Du hast keine Idee. (You have no idea.)
Du haßt Hunds. (You hate dogs.)
by dk May 26, 2003
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The act of "Nodding Off" to "Nod Off" or "Go on the nod", also caused by malnutrition and sleep depravation. Another form of the H.S. would be erratic arm flailing and scratching of the skin, generally brought on by a cocaine induced psychosis.
he's doing the hastings shuffle.

nod, nodding, nod off, going on the nod
by E.S. Day September 15, 2006
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Creater of the time machine in history class. Fond of making weird poping noises, cracking stupid jokes, and talking during movies.
"Wow Stephanie, that was a total Mr. Hastings joke."

"Jeez quit acting like Mr. Hastings and stop talking during the movie."
by idreaminblackandwhite May 12, 2010
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The achievement of any sex act that results in the female partner screaming or declaring, "Hey! That stings!"
"Hey Josh, did you nail that bette last night?"
"Not only! I also won the 'Battle of Hastings' when I slammed a dry citrus reamer up her ass!"
"Dude, that is powerful excellent to hear!!"
by Billy Beck O'Hannity March 31, 2010
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A small, private liberal arts college in South Central Nebraska.
A bastian of semi-liberalism in the middle of a red state. Mainly made up of kids from the suburbs of Omaha, Denver and Kansas City.
I went to Hastings College, got a B.A. in History and so I kind of feel obligated to go to Grad School.
by Kid Zero January 28, 2009
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Hastings Arko is that next walad that thinks he is on badness. Most girls like this waffler and I don't know why cah of his Hyde looking face. Hastings Arko is scared of everything.
That guy looks like a Hastings Arko. Face looking all disfigured and ting
by Namec July 6, 2019
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