Fuck My Legs-

A. used in situations where people know their dancing capabilities are limited.
B. Used in the military by injured military personnel.

1.Women who can't orgasm because of the relatively small size of their partners' penis find thigh fucking(urban dictionary has erroneous definition) to be a preferred method.

2. Aside from thigh fucking, women often lay ontop of their partner with the penis running length wise along the labia between their legs so the head points to their AssHole, keeping it out of the vaginal cavity in order to stimulate clitoral arousal.
(hot bitch) lets dance stud!
(KMN) FML's I can't dance for the life of me. Atleast not standing up...

{Drill Sergeant} (after a parachute jump) Get up Private, what's wrong with you, stop dreaming about mand-candy in your mouth and fall back in formation! MOVE!!!!
{Private}(in agonizing pain) I can't sarge!!! FML!!! FML! FUCK MY LEG IS BROKEN!!

{HugeTwat} Man I'm so glad I ran into such a big dude tonight.... I thought I would have to settle for one of these small skinny guys at the library...I need you to stuff me right now
{BigMotherFucker} OK
{HugeTwat} what the fuck is that little dick? W/e i guess its going to be another FML tonight..
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FML was originally an acronym for "Fuck my life" but has now been adopted by many as a joke to represent "forgot my lunch"
Example one:
"I just got dumped. Fml."

Example two:
Person 1 - "Ahh man.. fml!"

Person 2 - "Damn.. It's okay you can share my sandwich"
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1. Free Mark-up Language. Web-development language that just happens to be free.
2. Fuck My Life, although this is rarely perceived so.
1. I made a free website using FML and its free.


Person A: Where did I put it? Oh fuck I lost it FML.
Person B: If you lost your FML you can download it again
by .vbpeppermint July 20, 2009
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fml; IM for Fuck My Life for short; as in lol for Laughing Out Loud; or when something doesnt go the way you've planned; or when something screws up; used to describe how shitty something is, or how angry you are.
"The police caught them with the booze & confiscated all of it" - "fuck my life, no way are you kidding? FUCK ME, fml man. fuck my life"
by twentyDecHouse July 17, 2009
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An acronym for 'fix my leg'.
I just tripped down 45 flights of stairs. FML.
by It's Over 9000! June 3, 2010
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FML means Feed My Lama
Zoo Keeper - Oops! I forgot to feed the lama in the petting zoo, FML
Worker - O.K then boss
by Sbubpy December 23, 2010
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