what every conversation between two or more males inevitably leads to- dissing someone or cussing without reason.
dude i need to get over my ex,lets diss-cuss sam's love life over beer.
by god4nothing December 30, 2010
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Replaces the usual 'fuck' or 'damn' in the "I don't give a..." expression. Comes from old Irish slang, still used mainly in London.
I don't give a tinker's cuss what you think!
by cactusx102 November 10, 2007
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giving or receiving a txt that cannot be responeded to such as lol, haha, soo....., yea...., awesome
Stop text cussing
by Chowblack June 12, 2008
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A customer that makes you want to say not nice words, but you can't because you're at work.
I had a long day at work. Enough "cuss"tomers for one lifetime.
by Someone who kinda exists July 2, 2022
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You cant cuss
And if you do you get punched by your strongest friend
For example no cuss day means you get punch by strong friend
Friend:what the fuck
Strong friend:punch
by I_am_dumbass3 November 21, 2019
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Somebody who doesn't swear or talks/makes sexual jokes
Craft is such a Cuss virgin
by waterbottlehat November 10, 2020
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An insult to call a person of cowardice; a synonym for pussy. Someone who won't commit or is afraid of confrontation.
"He talked crap about me behind my back, but won't confront me about it? What a puss cuss."
by Kaycee Kabage January 2, 2021
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