Craving Romance (Indigo) is very talented on Tiktok, Youtube, Instagram and Tumblr.

She really wants to be famous.

Go find her :)
Craving Romance or Indigo is a cool person!
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When a word is on the tip of your tongue, but no other synonym will suffice.
by Photogal November 15, 2022
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When you're Pinterest AF and have an uncontrollable need to build, create, design, and inspire and your friends begin to think you're insane because all you can talk about is creating things.
"I really want to make a desk right now."
"You need to chill it with the craft cravings."
by Sophi_Kylyn February 18, 2017
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adv. To really desire a caucasian person. see also Cracka cravin. Opp. of Jungle Fever.
I don't understand why Kobe Bryant slept with that white girl. He musta had a cracker craving.
by pepwave1 April 20, 2011
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The need for rape. i.e. a crave for rape.
Boris: I havn't raped anyone in over 8 months - I'm dying here...GIMME SOMETHING TO RAPE NOW.
Bruce: Man, that's some fine rape craving you've got there
by erectism December 29, 2007
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When a white person romantically desires a black person
"Man, Shaquanda is HOT"

"Dude, sounds like you have a case of slave crave."
by Per-Erik January 7, 2015
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