To send to the homies to show you appreciate them. To be used instead of <3.

<444 to be used by the more extra users
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n. a short fat chick, four feet tall and four feet wide
Check out the 4 X 4, if she trips shes just gonna roll.
by Webster Papadopolous July 12, 2004
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The infuriating tendency of Sprint cell phone service to indicate a full-strength signal (4 bars), drop the call, and then pop back up to 4 bars in the span of an instant, often while one remains completely still.
"Sorry I keep having to call you back every 30 seconds, Sprint keeps giving me the four fade four."
by Adama May 25, 2004
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</4 is used when you really hate someone. This works in the same way as <3 and <4.
Boy: I <4 YOU!!!!
Girl: OMG I <3 YOU 2!!!!
Boy: WTF ONLY <3!!!! I HATE YOU </4
Girl: =(
by Kristofer1 August 8, 2005
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A man who's made up by ants and wheres a large variety of insect clothes. His living space contains other creatures such as a worm floor and web curtains. He typically eats John Cena. He also has a model car which mainly consists of milk. He can also enlarge and reduce from 10 stories tall to 2 meters tall.
by Fetus_Deleter January 31, 2020
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Oldsmobile Cutlass from the 1970's Abrieviation for 4 barrell carb, 4 speed trans and dual exhaust. 4-4-2
That 4-4-2 kicked ass on that GTO !!
by Steve7777 April 16, 2008
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4-10-4 is a term to describe a female who within the general public is a "4-out-of-10". But within a subculture scarce of women, she is a "10-out-of-10". Only to go back into the general public and be a '4' again. This is usually used within a military or paramilitary environment where women are scarce. However, this can be used in any male-dominant subculture ie: Gaming, fighting, constructions, cosplay, your pokemon card gatherings, faggot!
Bob: Have you seen our new sergeant Christine? She is so sexy!
Gary: Nah, dude she is busted! A traditional 4 10 4
by AR0438 January 1, 2017
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