3 definitions by Adama

The infuriating tendency of Sprint cell phone service to indicate a full-strength signal (4 bars), drop the call, and then pop back up to 4 bars in the span of an instant, often while one remains completely still.
"Sorry I keep having to call you back every 30 seconds, Sprint keeps giving me the four fade four."
by Adama May 25, 2004
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Something that's just totally wrong, inconceivably awful. Derived from the fact that "lube" is just a nasty word, no matter what it's supposed to mean.
She's dating a 17-year old? What is she, 28? That's just lube.
by Adama June 1, 2004
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Being really sarcastic. Like annoyingly sarcastic.
Have you heard him? He’s being so rude benjonesing me
by Adama November 29, 2019
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