The exquisite feeling of laying down with a partner who feels extremely comfortable to lay with. Usually occurs within the first few minutes of laying down while your bodies begin to warm up. Most occur because you are in love with someone and your bodies fit together like a puzzle piece. Researchers have found that most cuddle-gasms are vocalized by a small whimper from the female or the "ahhh" sound from the man.
Tim: Hey do you hear those noises coming from Monica's room?
George: Yeah.. It's just Monica and her boyfriend, they practice abstinence but they always have cuddle-gasms.

Tim: cool story bro, want to go hit the gym?

George: yeah dude I bet I can bench more then you!

by Joey Fizzle October 24, 2010
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cough-gasm (v.) - a word which describes a cough that is immediately followed by an orgasmic-like moan. it is usually unintentional and very annoying. typically, over dramatic people will cough-gasm.
i could not concentrate on my final exam because the douche-bag behind me had a cough-gasm every 5 minutes.
by pcosalus December 20, 2009
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word my drunk dad invented trying to describe to his wife how his food tasted when he got home wasted
Did you make this salad? Well its giving my mouth a spasmic gasm
by danielf September 8, 2007
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vagina,pussy any other synonyms for the female sex organ
man...i totally stuck it in beckys gasm chasm
by jizz-master October 28, 2005
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A fart that emerges during an orgasm, often heightening the experience for one of the partners. The only form of sexual climax that addresses all 5 senses. Usually the result of beer, Mexican food and total disrespect for women. Also known as the LawnMower in southern states.
Tommy, I had a flatul-gasm last night with Joey's filthy older sister. You could see, hear, touch, taste and smell it.
by Kevin m. Breunig February 4, 2009
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The feeling you get after taking several bites out of a delicious snack which is so wonderful that it causes a pleasurable feeling of enjoyment and satisfaction within each and every bite.
Mike: "You should of seen Ted's face man."

Bill: "Really?" "HAHA!" "What did it look like?"

Mike: "He was sporting the Oh face. A total food-gasm from those blueberry muffins he found in his cabinet!"
by crazykidcarlson91 April 23, 2011
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The moment when a normally intelligent person has a moment of intense stupidity.
"Dude, why'd you just stick your hand in that jar?"

"Sorry, I had a stupidity-gasm."

"Alright, I'll get the butter,"
by KittyRah105 November 9, 2012
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