An abbreviation for "Friend or Foe" tags.

This is a tracking system used in the HALO video game universe.

The tags indicate if a unit is a friend, foe, unknown, or neutral. It also includes the name, rank, and service number.
Sergeant Johnson: "Marine, your FOF Tag says your a Corporal. Is that correct?"
Corporal Jones: "Yes, sir, Sergeant!"
by Spartan-269 July 16, 2006
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Fitter On Facebook.

It originated from the brisk streets of london, between a small group of friends. When seeing a girl from afar that you recognise from the social network know as 'Facebook' you say they looked fitter on facebook, FOF. This has been used as an inside joke between friends so that you can't be caught out when in public and we believe its time that the rest of the world should know about it.

Ask your self this are you a FOF?
FOF (Fitter On Facebook)

What is that about, mate that girl is FOF.

She looks like she carries a heavy load, she was defiantly FOF.

That girl looks like she takes a dick, she looked FOF.
by A Right Lad September 30, 2011
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When you are an Investment Banker on Wall Street and go to a club/bar with the intention of getting hammered after a long week of work.
Paul: "Are you going to the club later?"
Jeremy: "Yeah I'm gonna get Front Office Faded (FOF)"
Paul: "Wow, Jeremy is so cool because he is in the Front Office of a major financial institution , and is about to go to a club"
by BulgeBracketBanka February 20, 2018
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A phobia of Felix. Anyone within a certain radius of Felix who suffers from FOF may experience severe anxiety etc. Alternatively, FOF can also be used as an acronym meaning "Fuck off Felix"
"No sorry, I cant play Ludo with you, I have Fear of Felix (FOF)"

Felix: "Wanna hang out today?"
Kitty: "FOF"
by fof_sufferer October 21, 2022
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I should leave my shitty marriage, but my FoFS has me stuck
by Zombiehunter707 July 15, 2017
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Friend of freq did this for all my 2k people
I am a fof friend of freq.

rip vic
by Sump simp July 31, 2021
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