When someone is trying to beg it upto when they can clearly see they are not liked.
No one likes Diogo, he's so moist
by Mithara De Alwis April 2, 2023
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Doctor:"unfortunately it seems you have moist log syndrome, also known as MLS"

Guy who can't get it up:" awe shucks"
by The moist boi June 26, 2020
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The act of ejaculating inside of a woman’s ear, similar to a Wet willy
Yeah bro last night went great, we hooked up and I moist franked her
by Yeaaaah les go November 23, 2021
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When an individual receives sexual sucking with lots of saliva.
Samara gave Tom the moist suck in the movie theater.
by Dadoforange August 12, 2018
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When one allows them self to marinate in coffee, and then to suck it out of every article of clothing... Including the underwear. And then using a bagel to "dip it in the coffee pot"
"Yea man she got coffee moist."
"Yea she was suckin' out this morning with a bagel."
by Blagnarth December 20, 2016
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A Amazing video on Youtube, showcasing a man singing "happy birthday you moist Beaver"
"happy birthday you moist Beaver"

"you are such a moist Beaver today Barry"
by TeTtttfghjklhoiewofhwofoewTexa November 24, 2017
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