Area of shaved skin between a mans anus and grundel.
Ichabod's barren strip of skin was inflamed by the reoccuring crabs.
by katharsis April 19, 2009
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During anal sex in the "Doggy Style " position. At the point in which the male decides to remove his penis from his partners anus. He double punches the kidney area on both sides, causing the reciever of the anal penetration to tighten up so tight that the male is able to remove his penis from said anus without any debris on it.
Man.... lastnight Sarah let me put it in her ass. To ensure a clean departure, I gave her the Stripping Rubber, and pulled out clean enough to go straight into her mouth.
by TXASASSN June 16, 2013
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Kentucky fried chicken water fried mc donald arbys dairy queen samich light clorox
Those Breath Strips Tasted Bad
by Bean Boi June 7, 2022
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Someone who is constantly asking for something, has their hand out, or crying the blues for pity.
Always asking for something, what a Beggin Strip !
by DiizNutz January 21, 2023
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After taking a shit at someone's house, usually at a party, before wiping yourself you find a cornered wall in the bathroom, while spreading your cheeks you slide in a downward motion on that corner leaving behind shit strips that resemble a strip of bacon.
Goddamn it! Rob got drunk again and used the corner of the bathroom wall as toilet paper. Leaving a mighty bacon strip in my parent's bathroom.
by RudeMood69420 January 29, 2020
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Where a male takes an average sized strip of toilet paper and lays it from their belly button to the top of their chest. Masturbation then commences and after the male orgasm the Andrex Strip is put into use.
Dude I tried out that Andrex Strip last night
by Jay Oxley April 10, 2008
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