Being a trumpet player and your right pinky is always sore from the oinky hook behind the valves.
Ouch, I can barely move my finger, I guess this is what I get for playing trumpet, trumpet pinky sucks. This trumpet sure is a brasshole.
by Swagbæ June 19, 2018
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Someone playing their instrument on the periphery. Usually low in confidence or voyeuristic.
I went dogging last night. There was a lone trumpeter stood at the edge of the car park.
by Brassband Billy November 3, 2021
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An act of involving at least two parties where the male will shit into the females mouth. After cradleing the turd in her mouth, she then forcibly projects the faecal matter back into the male's anus by blowing it as hard as she can resembeling the act of playing a trumpet.
Five years ago, Sebastians wife was being a bitch to him so he punished her with a german trumpet. She has been the nicest lady ever since.
by Nk1992 March 27, 2016
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A Trumpet kid is a internet meme of a child or teenager annoying a girl or female with a trumpet . This internet meme has been memafied multiple times setting a annoying or normal song like the child is playing the song.
That kid is a real annoying kid .
That kid is a real trumpet kid
by Your_Maker May 15, 2018
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What trump calls his dick.
"hey girl.....have you met Rusty Trumpet? "

"It takes a lot of talent to blow trump's rusty trumpet"
by rustytrumpetlover November 20, 2022
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A girl eat yo booty whole and tickle yo dick between the legs
Damn bro that rusty trumpet was fire”
“You mean rusty trombone?”
“Shut the fuck up”
by Pepepoopoobitch September 2, 2019
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