Pvtwork Tvb
What’s so panic? Fucken pvtwork
by WhatTheBrim November 25, 2021
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When a person is majority white and they still try to claim there hispanic side
Logan is 70 percent white but still claims his hispanic more
by Johnson385 July 19, 2023
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The feeling in the pit of your stomach when you finish mixing and pouring 24 bags of concrete, then notice your wedding band isn't on your hand any longer.
"Oh shit oh shit oh shit" he said in a panic, thinking his wife was going to kill him.
by SnarkyBarron April 12, 2021
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Fall Out Boy is a good band but if I had to pick a favorite id choose Panic!
by Poisonous Potato July 29, 2018
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A panic attack brought on after realizing you are late for a meeting that you were not actually invited to. Usually brought on by a calendar with so many meetings and you suffer from the delusion that you have been invited to all meetings.
Jim had a Meeting Induced Panic when he overheard his co-workers discussing a meeting they just left.
Jim suffers from MIP.
by circlesofindecision January 24, 2017
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Pocket panic is the phenomenon of losing track of the whereabouts of some important item you carry on your person. Wallets, cash, identification, keys and cell phones are the items most likely to be misplaced and trigger an episode fo pocket panic.
After I got to my seat on the airplane, I had pocket panic because I couldn't find my keys, but my wife found them under my seat. They'd fallen out of my hip pocket.
by loobeydoobey February 8, 2010
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Termo utilizado para definir pessoas que se sentem em pânico em momentos onde aconteça algum clima entre o próprio e a kika.
O Kika Panic também pode causar tonturas, dor no peito e uma enorme vontade de morder a Kika. Se você se encontra com algum desses sintomas deve saber que provavelmente tem alguma queda pela Kika ou só está morrendo mesmo.
Também ha uma segunda causa, como ser celestial, a kika pode acabar por causar falsos sentimentos de amor ou paixão no indivíduo.
Meu deus, ganda Kika Panic agora
by Estrela do mar August 8, 2020
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