A term traditionally used by Brittish people to represent non-English people, that is currently used as a name to call a "person of Western-European ethnicity and direct descent," especially in Australia.


~ Ines was born in Portugal (the most western European country), her parents were also Portuguese, she is a wog.

~ Daniella was born in Australia. BOTH of parents are Italian though, which means that she is still classified as a wog, even if she was born in a different country.

~ Philip has a mother from Greece, but a dad from India. He is not a Wog. Not even a "half-wog" No matter what the moron says. Because there is no such thing as a half-wog, due to it referencing a full racial group, not ethnicity in Australia.
"Daamn. Raquel. You love your olives, you're such a wog"
"Wog-bro's" *fist bump between kindled wog-friends*
"Yeah, I'm going to a wog-birthday now. I bet I'm gonna gain weight from all the food nonna brings!"
by The-Red-Lip May 15, 2018
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Wife Or Girlfriend
Singular of WAG (Wives And Girlfriends)

A female who is overpublicised, vacuous, anorexic,. Usually found lurking at football matches, easily distinguised by their orange skin tone and high body plastic index, ostensibly present for the purpose of pleasuring the England football team, but in reality with the intention of being photographed obtaining fashion advice from chief WOG Mrs. Beckham in the hope that this will lead to a future appearance on "celebrity love island".
Person 1: Look at that WAG !
Person 2: That's not a WAG, that's a WOG
Person 1: What's a WOG?
Person 2: A Wife OR Girlfriend
Person 1: Then what's a WAG???? ps I am a retard
Person 2: A WAG stands for Wives AND Girlfriends. A Singular person cannot be both a Wife and Girlfriend.
Person 1: So the singular of WAG is WOG right?
Person 2: Yes.
by Karl McLoven June 14, 2011
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Contrary to popular belief, this did not start off as a racist pejorative, but was an acronym dating from the British Raj in India used to Identify Indians working for the Government. The acronym stood for Working On Government Service and those who were employed in that role wore an armbands with the acronym WOGS written on it.

Now, however, the original meaning has now largely been forgotten and the four commonest uses of the word "wogs" are as follows:
1. A pejorative noun for people who are non-white or of mixed race;
2. A noun used by certain xenophobic British people to describe anyone who is not British e.g. "Wogs begin at Calais.";
3. A noun used by narrow-minded, londoncemtric fuckwits to describe anyone who does not live in London;
4. A verb meaning to steal, "He wogs sandwiches off his mates." means he steals sandwiches from his friends, and unpleasant racist inference that all non-white people are thieves;
"That heale Malcolm's become so londoncentric since he moved there he's actually referring to people living outside it as wogs!"
by AKACroatalin April 15, 2015
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To steal or thieve something, usually which has little value.
See that baccy on the table over there, im gonna wog it !
by DJ Pink Sock August 29, 2008
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To capture an opponent's piece at chess.
Hacker left his rook en prise so I wogged it off with my bishop.
by lucky15 March 1, 2010
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When a wet dog attempts to get rid of the water in its coat by shaking back and forth. Alternatively, it can apply to people who lack the basic hygiene to dry themselves off after shower and get water all over the floor.
"Fiddo was wogging all over the carpet after coming in from the rain."

"John was wogging on the floor because he's a slob."
by ThatDudeYouMightOrMightNotKnow September 25, 2011
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italians and greeks maltese. not try hard middle easterns making europeans look bad. they have no where near the same class or culture.
italian are wog chich
by don chich March 17, 2008
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